We use Electric motors for everything, almost every mechanical moveing electrical appliance is caused by an AC (alternating current) or DC (direct current) electric motor.
A simple motor has six parts:
- Armature or rotor
- Commutator
- Brushes
- Axle
- Field magnet
- DC power supply of some sort
An electric motor uses magnets and magnetism to create motion. Magnets have two poles and work in the way that, Opposites attract and likes repel. Inside an electric motor, these attracting and repelling forces create rotational motion.
Above is an image showing the main parts of a motor in a simplified Diagram. Using the green coiled wire (usually always made of copper) we pass a current. When the current passes through the coil induction happens and between the coils we get an invisible magnetic field. This field then reacts with the two magnet poles on either side and one end of the commutator will be attracted to one end of the magnet pole. And likewise as I explained before with opposites attracting and likes repelling, The opposite end of the commutator will repelled by the opposite pole of the magnet. And due to the construction of the commutator within the housing it will begin to turn dude to the attracting and repelling forces of the magnetic field.